Europe’s Security in a Globalised World, Berliini, 28.6.2002

Democracy is more widely implemented in the world than ever before. At the same time, democracy may never have been as widely mistrusted in the old democracies as today.

More voters stay at home, right-wing populism flirting with racism gains ground, extra-parliamentary activity is on the rise.

The key to this paradox is globalisation. Internationalisation and growing interdependence are familiar developments, but new technologies have brought about both quantitative and qualitative changes to both.

How do we as socialists understand globalisation in general, and its effects on our security in particular?

Globalisation is a controversial phenomenon. On the positive side, internationalisation and a deepening division of labour can promote prosperity and welfare all over the world. The greatest challenge brought about by globalisation is the more uneven distribution of the growing wealth, both within countries and globally.

This is something which people all over the world are becoming more and more concerned about. We are dealing here with a major political sea-change: Some thirty years ago neo-liberalism replaced social democracy as the leading ideology guiding political debates. Now it seems to be ebbing out. People no longer believe in the beneficial effects of unregulated market forces and unlimited selfishness. They do not accept the growing inequality. Instead, they demand the strengthening of social values and equality.

People are no longer ready to accept the TINA-doctrine – There Is No Alternative. Politics are back and there is a growing demand for social democracy. In many recent elections, however, the winners have included right-wing populist movements of different hues. Social marginalisation and the threat of it, insecurity in face of all kinds of perceived threats to security, not support for racism, lie behind this development. People who have been left without a share of the prosperity brought about by world trade and macro-economic stability and enjoyed by the majority can easily believe, rightly or wrongly, that they have been ignored, or even betrayed by social democracy.

Globalisation is at the same time both an impetus and a challenge for democracy. The new communications technology requires openness, decentralization, and democracy from countries wishing to prosper as information societies. It is also more difficult to get away with human rights abuses in a globalising world. Globalisation has contributed to the strengthening of democracy and human rights.

Up to now democracy has been a national project. This is no longer enough in a globalising world. What used to work at the national level must now be implemented internationally. The European Union is one answer to this need, but it is not enough. The worst possible scenario would be a ”Fortress Europe” trying to stave off the outside world. The right way is for the EU to become a strong player in developing world-wide governance of globalisation. The EU has indeed shown the right kind of leadership both in the case of the Kyoto climate convention and in the World Trade Organization.

The global challenges we face come in many forms. After the Second World War the population of the world has grown from 2.4 billion to over 6 billion people, and is unlikely to level off before reaching at least 10 billion.

This is a fundamental challenge for how we can live in harmony with the requirements of sustainable development. But it does not only effect man’s relation with nature, it also makes it imperative for societies to live in harmony and close cooperation with each other. There are no so called National Interests any longer in today’s world which could be promoted successfully at the cost of other’s interest.

The fact that we now use more than 800 billion dollars every year for military spending – 15 times more than for development aid – shows how far we still are from understanding this yet. Billions are also thrown away in developing weapons of mass destruction, that are really useful for terrorist purposes – certainly not for obtaining rational objectives.

And the nature of conventional weapons and warfare has also changed. Soldiers are much better protected than civilians today. The victims of September 11th were all innocent civilians.

We are rightly concerned about the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, with focus on the open or suspected weapons programs of a group of countries whose stability and record of behaviour is particularly worrying. Efforts to prevent such countries from acquiring these weapons must continue. At the same time we must recognize that the credibility and success of our efforts to stop proliferation also depend on the commitment of all countries, particularly the nuclear weapons states, to reducing their stockpiles and reliance on such weapons and on strengthening the international arms control regime. Thus the recent agreement between the US and Russia on nuclear weapons reduction is a welcome step, although a very small one.

Most of the human suffering and casualties in the world is caused by hand guns, light arms and landmines. Efforts to reduce these as well as the international trade in arms must be central in our efforts to promote disarmament.

Other new challenges to security such as the slow degradation of the environment or sudden environmental crises, man-made or natural disasters, cross-border crime, drugs, trafficking in human beings, disintegrating state structures, refugees, the consequences of human right violations, and terrorism all pose a challenge to the doctrines of national defence and the collective security arrangements that have been established to cope with the threat of traditional war between states.

Military power is seldom the best, or even a workable option in countering these new security threats. Even when it is needed, it cannot provide the full solution.

Afganistan teaches us how important it is to address all conflicts early enough. The country was ravaged by a bloody civil war for decades, at times with the support of the great powers. It only attracted a decisive intervention after it had become evident that the country had become a base for global terrorism – and after the damage inflicted by this terrorism became intolerably high.

Afganistan will now need a long and sustained peace-keeping support, both military and civilian. A huge development effort is also needed for reconstruction, the creation of an economy no longer dependent on poppy cultivation, and the establishment of democracy and respect for human rights.

In the Western Balkans, comparable efforts are under way, and the first fruits of these efforts are slowly becoming visible. The military engagement of the international community is being scaled back, while the local ownership of problem solving begins to take hold.

What can we learn from these examples?

Firstly, the resources of the international community are limited. Disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, civilian and military crisis management, and development efforts all cost huge sums of money. To a significant extent, this money comes from the same sources, namely from the tax-payers of the more prosperous countries. Are we allocating these funds wisely?

Secondly, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. This notwithstanding, it seems to be in the human nature to avoid action until absolutely necessary. With such procrastination, the damage gets done, and the most costly forms of intervention will ultimately have to be chosen.

Clearly, we need to change our ways.

We have to recognize that no conflict, however limited or local it may seem, should be left unattended. Non-intervention means not only neglecting human suffering, but may also lead to a rapid internationalisation or even globalisation of such conflicts.

What must also be clear is, that the threats to our security can no longer be contained through isolation or fortifying our outer borders. Nor can they be contained through unilateral action, by choosing the international cooperation countries want to be involved in or by trying to impose one’s own agenda on the rest of the world.

Our striving for security and better crisis-management will succeed only if we strengthen our commitment to multilateral cooperation. This should be the most important lesson to be learned after September 11th.

The European Union’s efforts to develop its civilian and military crises-management capabilities must enhance this aim of strengthening collective and multilateral security. It should not and does not aim at building a European super-power capability to compete with others or to bypass the United Nations, or, for that matter, NATO.

In general it is important that the various actors improve their capability to work together, also outside their own borders. The work done in both the European Union and NATO to improve the availability, interoperability, and quality of military and civilian peace support capabilities is laudable. Equally encouraging is the improving cooperation of these organizations with the United Nations in particular. The extension of the area of stability and prosperity in Europe ever further is most welcome. But we should be doing more.

As for the European Union I believe that we should proceed steadily and realistically. There is no point on starting a debate on the idea of a common European Defence, not to mention the so-called European Army, on which there is no consensual agreement in sight, and which can only hamper our efforts to make real and workable what we have already decided and which still remain to be implemented, namely our European crises-management capability. The European Union should build on its special advantage in crises management, namely it’s ability to bring into use the full range of instruments, which in addition to military and civilian crises management includes macro-economic and project aid for reconstruction and achieving economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development.

Loviisan XVI Rauhanfoorumi, 3.8.2002

Hyvät ystävät

Olemme kokoontuneet Loviisaan, Itämeren rannalle.

Kuluva vuosi on Itämeren alueelle poliittisesti merkittävä. Vuoden lopulla odotetaan niin EU:n kuin NATOn tekevän historialliset laajentumisratkaisunsa, jotka varsin todennäköisesti tulevat sisältämään Baltian maat.

Tämä tulee oleellisesti uudistamaan Itämeren alueen yhteistyöasetelmia. Yksi keskeisistä yhteistyön foorumeista on Itämeren maiden neuvosto, jonka puheenjohtajuuden vuodeksi eteenpäin Suomi otti heinäkuussa.

Haluaisin aluksi esittää arvion Itämeren alueen tilanteesta turvallisuuden näkökulmasta ja esitellä sitten Suomen ohjelmaa Itämeri-neuvoston puheenjohtajana.

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Itämeren alueen turvallisuustilanne on kehittynyt niin myönteisesti, että se vastaa kylmän sodan päättyessä tehtyjä kaikkein optimistisimpia arvioita. Suuri osa poliittisista rasitteista on hävinnyt eikä sotilaallinen vastakkainasettelu enää lyö leimaa alueen kehitykseen. Itämeren rantavaltioiden joukossa on Venäjän sekä liittoutumattomien Suomen ja Ruotsin lisäksi NATO-maita ja NATOon pyrkiviä maita. Erilaiset turvallisuuspoliittiset ratkaisut eivät enää aiheuta suuria jännitteitä alueen maiden välillä. Yhteiset edut ja yhteistyön tarve ovat nousseet entistä voimakkaammin etualalle.

NATOn laajentumiskierros 1997-99 kattoi Itämeren maista Puolan. Tänä vuonna liittokunta hyvin todennäköisesti kutsuu myös Viron, Latvian ja Liettuan neuvotteluihin, jotka johtavat näiden maiden NATO-jäsenyyteen noin vuonna 2004. On vaikea nähdä, että NATOn laajentuminen johtaisi Venäjän kielteiseen reaktioon sen itsensä tiivistäessä suhteitaan liittokuntaan.

Itämeren turvallisuuden myönteiseen kehityssuuntaan on vaikuttanut monta tekijää. NATO on pyrkinyt vastakohtaisuuksien tasoittamiseen rauhankumppanuusohjelman puitteissa ja myös NATOoon pyrkivien maiden panos on kuluneiden vuosien aikana ollut rakentava. Venäjän viime aikoina vahvistunut länsisuuntaus, yhteistyöhakuisuus ja vastakkainasettelun välttäminen sen kannalta vaikeissakin kysymyksissä ovat ratkaisevasti parantaneet ilmapiiriä. Suomi ja Ruotsi ovat toimineet tiiviissä yhteistyössä keskenään sekä muiden alueen toimijoiden kanssa sotilaallisen liittoutumattomuuden pohjalta. Kaikki Itämeren turvallisuuden kannalta keskeiset tahot ovat halunneet edetä vastuullisesti ja ennustettavasti.

Edellisen laajentumiskierroksensa alla NATO päätti olla sijoittamatta ydinaseita ja uusia taistelujoukkoja uusiin jäsenmaihinsa Puolaan, Tshekkiin ja Unkariin. Oletamme, että liittokunta noudattaa samaa pidättyvää linjaa myös tämänkertaisen laajentumisen yhteydessä.

Baltian maiden NATO-jäsenyydellä ei ole suoranaista vaikutusta Suomen harkitessa omia turvallisuuspoliittisia ratkaisujaan. Sotilaallinen liittoutumattomuus vastaa edelleenkin turvallisuuspoliittisiin tarpeisiimme. Se on yhteensovitettavissa tiiviin NATO-yhteistyön kanssa, jota toteutamme rauhankumppanuusohjelman puitteissa, NATO-johtoisissa kriisinhallintaoperaatioissa sekä tulevaisuudessa EU:n ja NATOn kriisinhallintayhteistyön kautta. Osallistuminen mahdollisiin operaatioihin tullaan edelleenkin Suomen osalta päättämään Suomessa, viime kädessä eduskunnassa.

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Kylmän sodan aikaiset totaalisen tuhon kauhukuvat ovat kadonneet. Ydinaseisiin sekä kemiallisiin ja biologisiin aseisiin liittyvät uudet uhat ovat kuitenkin vakava ongelma. Syyskuun 11:nnen päivän tapahtumat havahduttivat huomaamaan, että pelkästään valtioiden välinen aseriisuntasopimusten verkko ei suojaa maailmaa joukkotuhoasein tehtäviä terroritekoja vastaan. Käytössä olevia keinoja monipuolisesti hyödyntävän kansainvälisen yhteistyön merkitys joukkotuhoaseiden ja niiden kantolaitteiden leviämisen estämiseksi on korostunut entisestään.

Monenvälistä lähestymistapaa tarvitaan uusien uhkien torjumiseksi. Biologiset ja kemialliset aseet on kokonaan kielletty yleismaailmallisilla sopimuksilla.Ydinsulkusopimus tähtää ydinaseiden leviämisen estämiseen, ja yksi sen päämääristä on ydinaseriisunta. Pyrkimykset estää joukkotuhoaseiden leviämistä jäävät puolinaisiksi ja epäuskottaviksi, elleivät kaikki ydinasevallat vähennä joukkotuhoaseitaan ja riippuvuuttaan niiden käyttöön perustuvasta strategisesta ajattelusta.

On tärkeää, että sopimusjärjestelyt säilyvät asevalvonnan perustana. Ne luovat luottamusta ja avoimuutta. Presidentti Bushin ja presidentti Putinin Moskovassa solmima sopimus strategisten ydinaseiden vähentämisestä on askel oikeaan suuntaan.

Kaikki Itämeren alueen valtiot ovat allekirjoittaneet ja ratifioineet kansainväliset joukkotuhoaseita koskevat sopimukset. Itämeren maat harjoittavat keskenään paljon kahden- ja monenvälistä yhteistyötä asevalvonnan edistämiseksi. Yhteisiä hankkeita on muun muassa vienti- ja rajavalvonnan alalla.

Pääpaino on käytännön toimissa. Esimerkiksi säteilyturvakeskus tekee ulkoasiainministeriön rahoituksella lähialueyhteistyötä Venäjän ja Baltian maiden ydinturvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Suomen tullilla on koulutus- ja muuta yhteistyötä naapurimaiden kanssa rajojen säteilyvalvonnan kehittämiseksi ja ydinaineiden salakuljetuksen estämiseksi.

Venäjällä on Neuvostoliitolta periytyneet laajat kemiallisen aseen varastot. Niiden tuhoaminen kemiallisen aseen kieltosopimuksen velvoitteiden mukaisesti on suuri haaste. Venäjä on korostanut, että vastuu hävittämisestä on sillä itsellään. Muiden maiden apu on kuitenkin tarpeen, ja useat maat ovat osallistuneet hävittämisohjelman toimeenpanoon. Suurimmalla panoksella on mukana Yhdysvallat. Useat EU-maat, Suomi mukaan lukien, ovat tukeneet työtä. Suomen EU-puheenjohtajakaudella käynnistettiin EU:n ohjelma Venäjän kemiallisten aseiden ja aseplutoniumin hävittämiseksi. Tätä ohjelmaa tulee jatkaa, ja EU:n osallistumista siihen lisätä.

Suurten läntisten teollisuusmaiden ja Venäjän G8-ryhmä on huippukokouksessaan kesäkuussa sopinut mittavasta maailmanlaajuisesta kumppanuusohjelmasta (Global Partnership) joukkotuhoaseiden leviämisen estämiseksi. Ohjelman tarkoituksena on kymmenen vuoden aikana avustaa 20 miljardilla dollarilla ennen kaikkea Venäjää aseidenriisunta- ja ydinturvallisuushankkeissa, joukkotuhoaseiden leviämisen estämisessä.

Taktiset ydinaseet ovat edelleen sopimusjärjestelyjen ulkopuolella. Suomi ja Ruotsi, kuten monet muut maat, ovat kiinnittäneet asiaan huomiota. Nyt Yhdysvallat ja Venäjä suorittavat vähennyksiä yksipuolisten sitoumusten perusteella. Olemme esittäneet, että taktisten ydinaseiden vähentäminen tulisi kirjata oikeudellisesti sitovaan sopimukseen, jolloin vähennykset toteutettaisiin läpinäkyvästi ja peruuttamattomasti. Taktisten ydinaseiden vähentäminen lisäisi myös Itämeren alueen turvallisuutta.

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Vakaa turvallisuuspoliittinen perustilanne on luonut suotuisat edellytykset Itämeren alueen maiden ja kansojen monipuoliselle kanssakäynnille ja aivan erityisesti EU:n laajentumisprosessille. EU:n ja NATOn laajentumisella on vuorovaikutusta ja päällekkäisyyttäkin. Myös NATO pyrkii nykyisin toimimaan arvoyhteisönä, joka haluaa edistää uusissa jäsenmaissaan demokratiaa, oikeusvaltiota, vähemmistöjen asianmukaista kohtelua ja hyviä naapuruussuhteita. EU:n laajentuminen on kuitenkin asialistaltaan laaja-alaisempi ja uusia jäsenmaitaan myös yhteiskunnallisesti syvällisesti muokkaava prosessi.

NATOn ja EU:n laajentumisratkaisujenkaan jälkeen ei voi sanoa, että työ olisi tehty. Myös turvallisuuden alalla riittää haasteita ja huolia. Uudet laaja-alaiseen turvallisuuteen liittyvät haasteet eivät enää ole ensisijassa sotilaallisia tai liity perinteisiin valtioidenvälisiin konflikteihin. Niin sanotun pehmeän turvallisuuden, kansalaistason turvallisuuden, kysymykset ovat nousseet Itämeren alueella päällimmäisiksi. Ympäristön saastuminen, nimenomaan Itämeren tila, on kansalaisten ja valtioiden yhteiden huolenaihe. Alueen valtioissa on edelleen yhteiskunnallisia epäkohtia, jotka ruokkivat huumeongelmaa. Tämä puolestaan edistää HIV/AIDSin ja muiden tarttuvien tautien leviämistä. Rajojen madaltuminen ja kanssakäynnin vilkastuminen on myönteistä ja välttämätöntä, mutta se on samalla helpottanut järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden toimintaa. Rikollisuus on moniulotteinen ilmiö, joka ei rajoille pysähdy ja jolle mikään maa ei voi olla immuuni.

Kansalaisten ja kansalaisjärjestöjen odotukset kohdistuvatkin perustellusti Itämeren maiden hallituksiin, jotta ne yhteistyötään tiivistämällä pystyisivät edistämään myös pehmeää turvallisuutta. Niin EU:n tasolla kun alueellisesti Itämeri-neuvoston puitteissa on vastattava odotuksiin. Monet Itämeren alueen ongelmat tiivistyvät Kaliningradin kohdalla. Tulevaisuusperspektiivin antaminen Kaliningradille edellyttää Venäjältä erityistoimia alueen taloudelliseksi ja sosiaaliseksi kehittämiseksi. Unioni on valmis tukemaan Venäjää Kaliningradin uudistustyössä. Kaliningrad on nähtävä mahdollisuutena eikä vain ongelmana.

EU:n laajentuminen antaa vahvan kasvusysäyksen koko Itämeren alueelle. Laajentuminen kannustaa parantamaan alueen keskinäistä rajat ylittävää infrastruktuuria niin maa- ja meriliikenteen, tietoliikenteen kuin energiaverkkojen osalta. EU:n pohjoinen ulottuvuus toteutuu tämän rakennustyön kautta. EU:n pohjoisen ulottuvuuden ympäristöohjelma taas on tärkeä uusi elementti alueen ympäristöyhteistyössä. Pohjoisen ulottuvuuden jättiläishankkeena toteutettava Pietarin lounainen puhdistamo tuleekin merkittävästi vähentämään päästöjä Itämereen.

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Suomi on heinäkuun alusta ottanut vastaan Itämeri-neuvoston puheenjohtajuuden. Neuvosto, jonka ensimmäisenä puheenjohtajana maamme toimi vuosina 1992-93, on osoittanut hyödyllisyytensä poliittisen vuoropuhelun foorumina. Se on omalta osaltaan nivonut Venäjää eurooppalaisiin rakenteisiin ja edistänyt Venäjän ja Baltian maiden kanssakäymistä.

Suomi korostaa nyt alkaneella puheenjohtajuuskaudellaan jo edellä mainitsemiani uusia turvallisuusuhkia ja niiden torjuntaa. Tavoitteenamme on alueen kaikkien maiden yhteistyön tiivistäminen aloilla, jotka synnyttävät ja vahvistavat yhteisesti koettua vakautta, vaurautta ja turvallisuutta. Itämeren alueen yhteistyö onkin saanut hyvin käytännöllisiä muotoja monilla elämän alueilla. Tätä haluamme osaltamme rohkaista ja tukea myös puheenjohtajakaudellamme.

Taloudellinen ja poliittinen kehitys ovat tiiviisti sidoksissa toisiinsa myös Itämeren alueella. Alueella on runsaasti monipuolista yhteistyötä talouden, kaupan, energiahuollon ja ympäristönsuojelun saroilla. Kaupan ja talouden eri osa-alueilla on kuitenkin vielä käytännön hankkeiden toteutusta vaikeuttavia seikkoja. Niitä pyritään ratkomaan Itämeren neuvoston eri työryhmissä.

Painotamme muun muassa rajahallintoa, jossa esimerkkinä konkreettisesta tavoitteesta on rajanylitykseen käytettävän ajan lyhentäminen enintään kahteen tuntiin. Työryhmät keskittyvät demokratiakehitykseen, taloudelliseen yhteistyöhön sekä ydin- ja säteilyturvallisuuteen. Puheenjohtajuuskaudellamme jatkuu korkeakoulureformin tukeminen Baltian maissa ja Kaliningradissa sekä toiminta järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden ja terrorismin sekä tarttuvien tautien ehkäisemiseksi.

Keskeisiä Suomenkin puheenjohtajuuskauden kysymyksiä ovat myös ympäristöasiat ja merenkulun turvallisuus. Puheenjohtajuuskaudellamme jatkuu informaatioyhteiskuntaan liittyvä yhteistyö. Toivomme etenemistä kuljetussektorilla Itämeren moottoritie (Motorways of the Baltic Sea) -kokonaiskäsitteen puitteissa. Tavoitteena on luoda tehokas kuljetusjärjestelmä, jossa yhdistyvät maa- ja merikuljetukset ja satamat sekä telekommunikaatioverkot.

Suomi pitää tärkeänä myös demokratian edistämistä ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan vahvistamista. Neuvoston puitteissa toimii erityinen valtuutettu demokraattista kehitystä varten. Yksi painopisteistä on kansalaisjärjestöjen toiminta, jota valtiovallan ei luonnollisesti tule kuitenkaan ohjata. Mielestämme on tärkeää varmistaa, että järjestöjen toimintaedellytykset, aluksi lainsäädäntö, ovat kunnossa.

Kansalaisten järjestäytynyt toiminta tuo merkittävän lisän moniarvoisen ja demokraattisen yhteiskunnan kehitykseen. Perinteisesti järjestöt ovat keskittyneet ympäristö- ja ihmisoikeuskysymyksiin. Tarkoitus on, että puheenjohtajuuskaudellamme huomiota kiinnitetään etenkin sosiaali- ja terveyskysymysten parissa työskentelevien järjestöjen toimintaan.

Puheenjohtajuuskaudellamme tuemme myös Itämeren maiden työmarkkinaolojen uudistamista. Tarkoitus on selvittää mahdollisuuksia soveltaa Pohjoismaissa hyväksi koettua työmarkkinakysymysten kolmikantajärjestelmää laajempaankin käyttöön Itämeren alueella sekä pohtia työvoiman liikkuvuuteen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Tälla tavoin voimme myös hälventää niitä pelkoja ja epäluuloja, joita Suomessakin esiintyy EU:n laajentumisen sosiaalisista ja työmarkkinavaikutuksista.

Itämeren alueellisen yhteistyön ja myös Itämeren valtioiden neuvoston roolia on tarkasteltava EU:n laajentumiseen ja EU:n ja Venäjän suhdekehitykseen liittyen. Laajentumisen yhteydessä neuvostolla tulisi olla merkittävä rooli unionin pohjoisen ulottuvuuden politiikkaa uudistettaessa, sillä se työskentelee lähes kaikkien alueen keskeisten kysymysten parissa. Neuvosto voisi olla hyödyllinen ja asiantunteva keskustelukumppani unionille siitä, missä pitäisi olla EU:n pohjoisen ulottuvuuden painopiste. Erityisesti toivomme, että pohjoisen ulottuvuuden kannalta tärkeässä asemassa oleva EU:n komissio sitoutuisi kiinteästi tähän yhteistyöhön. Pohjoinen ulottuvuus on tulevaisuudessa yhä enemmän keinoja tukea Venäjän suotuisaa kehitystä ja edistää sen osallistumista Euroopan yhdentymiseen. Itämeren maiden neuvoston piirissä voitaisiin koota ideoita ja kehittää sellaisia hankkeita, jotka auttavat Venäjää sen pyrkimyksessa tulla turvallisuuden tuottajaksi ja integraatiokehityksen osapuoleksi Euroopassa.

Small States and Management of Globalisation, puhe Viron Ulkopoliittisessa Instituutissa 27.8.2002

The Nordic-Baltic foreign ministers’ meeting here in Tallinn took place as the final meters of Estonia’s accession negotiations are at hand. The new situation and the opportunities it creates for cooperation in the Nordic-Baltic region rightly dominated the agenda yesterday. Likewise a new chapter in the bilateral relations between Finland and Estonia will be opened and – equally importantly – the new situation will offer us possibilities to face together challenges of global order.

Estonia has concentrated in an active integration policy towards the European structures, towards European Union and NATO. With a few years of experience in the EU we Finns can say with confidence that joining these organizations will create a new agenda and release energy for new members to pursue these larger issues.

In Finland we have often been asked, do we really need such a large network of embassies around the world as we have today, particularly now that we are members of the European Union. EU representatives, some say, could replace our own embassies in the future.

This is not the case. On the contrary, membership in the EU has greatly enhanced the need for us to follow, study and understand events also in so-called far-away places. As members of the EU we are expected to have a view on all the issues on which the EU, as a global actor with global responsibilities, will have to strive for a common foreign and security policy. Thus Estonia too has to be prepared to shoulder these common responsibilities in the field of global governance.

Our world is characterized by many paradoxes. Take the one concerning democracy for example. Democracy has never been as widely spread in history as today, as measured by both the absolute number and proportion of people who can elect – and dismiss – their leaders in free and fair elections. At the same time we have probably never witnessed the same degree of disillusion regarding the ability and will of our democratically elected representatives to deliver what their electorates expect of them.

There is a growing feeling that the forces and events which shape our lives are out of control – certainly beyond the reach of the controls exercised by democratic governments.

The result is steadily falling participation rates in elections on the one hand and growing extra-parliamentary activity on the other. A small minority even sees violence as justified political activity in democratic countries.

Another worrying result is the growing support which right-wing populist parties, some of which openly flirt with racism and xenophobia, have won in some recent elections in Europe.

The key to understanding this paradox is globalisation. Internationalisation and growing economic and political interdependence is nothing new as such. What is new is the combination of internationalisation and the spectacular development of new technologies, information and communication technology in particular, which passes well for a shorthand definition of the phenomenon we call globalisation.

Globalisation is not only something inevitable but, on the whole, potentially positive.

Positive because of its obvious wealth-creating powers through an enhanced international division of labour and a more effective use of scarce resources.

Positive also because of the increased scope for individual freedom to blossom and for making societies more open. The micro-chip has turned out to be an invention at least as revolutionary as the steam engine and maxim gun were in history, and it played a much larger part in the fall of Communism than the Cold War rhetoric and increased military expenditure of the Reagan era ever did. Regimes, which in the extreme example of Ceaseuscu’s Romania were unwilling to allow people access to such 19th century technology as the typewriter, without a typed example from every machine deposited with the Securitate, were doomed to lag behind and finally implode, as their more open competitors were freely making use of the opportunities opened by the new communication and information technologies which repressive governments could not trust their own citizens with.

Any country which aspires for a better life for its people must take full use of the opportunities new technologies offer, and this will inevitably bring pressure on authoritarian, centralizing and non-democratic governments to open up. Repressive governments are also finding it increasingly difficult to censor or control the use of new information technologies. It has also made it more difficult to cover up human rights violations, and for others to ignore them without reacting.

But the qualifying word potentially is needed, because the increase of wealth and prosperity created by globalisation is being distributed more unequally than before, both between and inside countries and regions as well as globally.

It is needed also because globalisation based on neo-liberal free-market values can intensify environmental damage. It can also threaten core labour standards and weaken trade unions as well as challenge national and minority cultures.

Globalisation can also be socially damaging, destroying sustainable traditional communities and threatening established welfare systems, which can never be replaced by purely market-based solutions.

”All that is solid melts into thin air” is how Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels characterized the world more than a 150 years ago, but it describes our own time even more aptly. But the threats and challenges identified in the Communist Manifesto were successfully thwarted and dealt with, in what was the Democratic Western world, because new social movements – primarily, but not only the labour movement – for democracy and social justice were able to harness capitalism and lay the foundations for the welfare societies of today’s developed world.

The Welfare State – a concept which we in the Nordic countries continue to use without qualms – has been essentially a national project realized through the democratic institutions of independent and sovereign nation states. A similar project for a Welfare State in One Country is no longer workable. Nationalism could be a progressive force in an era where the enemy were often highly identifiable dinosaurs like United Fruit, Union Miniere or Royal Dutch/Shell. Now we live in a world where global market forces – even more threatening because of their anonymity – have the ability to undermine or dilute the instruments we have historically employed to steer our economies, create prosperity, guarantee social security and redistribute wealth.

Thus globalisation calls for democracy that works on a global level and is able to deliver the kind of global governance that is expected by our increasingly sceptical electorates.

Globalisation affects our security as well. With the end of the Cold War traditional war between states is – current tensions between Pakistan and India notwithstanding – no longer the most relevant threat. Security and threats to it have to be understood and dealt with in a much wider context than before. This is a central challenge as our national defence policies as well as efforts to enhance collective security, including the Charter of the United Nations, have been founded on preparing for and preventing traditional war between states.

As the possibility of traditional warfare has receded new threats to security have come to the fore. These include long-term environmental degradation or sudden environmental crises, the spread of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases, uncontrolled migration and refugee flows, human rights violations, the many-faceted consequences of failed states, cross-border crime, drugs and terrorism.

These new threats to security differ from the traditional threat of military conflict in two central aspects. The first one is that the accumulation and use of military means can only to a very limited extent, if at all, be used to counter them. If the military might of the world’s only superpower was unable to prevent September 11th it was not because of any shortage in aircraft carries or the lack of a missile shield.

The second one is that you cannot isolate your country from these new threats by erecting ever higher barriers with high-tech sensors on your frontiers. Isolationism is not the answer to threats that call for increased international engagement and multilateral cooperation at all levels.

The United States has long ago given up isolationism, but it has not as yet clearly opted for genuine multilateralism. For Europe this has become very much the issue with an American administration that has in many important processes opted out of multilateral agreements and treaties. Although American actions in the war against terrorism have so far been mandated by the UN there is no firm commitment to this. The US seems to be willing to work together with other countries and organisations only if and when it regards this cooperation as serving rather narrowly understood American interests.

Compared to security issues the economic and social challenges linked to globalisation are not always self-evidently regarded as calling for global answers.

It would be nice to be able to say that we already have established the institutions for democratic global governance. Many people, however, see organisations such as the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation and the OECD as being the problem rather than the answer.

That there are valid arguments for regarding these institutions as tools of uncontrolled free-market globalisation cannot be denied. Have not the most concrete achievements of the European Union been the Single Market and Monetary Union with its strict and rather anti-Keynesian convergence criteria? While committed euro-enthusiasts see these as important political milestones on the road to ”ever closer union”, they can also be portrayed as typical neo-liberal projects serving to enhance the power of market forces over political democracy. Similarly the efforts of the WTO to formulate rules for the multilateral trade system can be assessed from rather opposite angles.

In fact international organisations like the EU, the WTO and even the IMF are instruments which can be used for very different purposes, depending on the will and ability of their decision makers. There is no inherent reason why these organisations could not be used for bringing about better global governance based on democracy and solidarity and for making sure that the fruits of globalisation are distributed more equally.

My own analysis is that we are once again experiencing a profound sea-change in our attitudes towards government and what we expect it to do. After WW II the west experienced a decades long period of social welfare reforms and Keynesian macroeconomic policies in the industrialised western countries.

This period of social democratic welfare policies – and here I use their term without associating it necessarily with any parties using this particular label – came to an end in the beginning of the 1970’s. This was when neoliberalism – again a concept which should not be directly linked with any political groupings as such took over the position of the leading paradigm governing our views on the proper division of responsibilities between public and private, governments and markets.

Now the tide has once again turned. The general trend has for some time now been away from neo-liberalism and the boundless admiration for the work of market forces and unrestrained individualism, towards more communal values and realisation that, yes, there is such a thing as society and that governments are needed to provide security, be it of the social or air travel variety.

Thus the central fact is, that whatever form it may take there clearly is a growing demand for governments to provide global governance that can effectively address the challenges of globalisation.

What would be the elements, then, of the better global governance I am seeking? They can be broadly divided into issues concerning the environment, security and crisis management, democracy and human rights, and the economy and trade, although these are all obviously interrelated.

The growth of world population is a fundamental challenge affecting each and all of the tasks we face in bringing about better global governance. After World War II, only during my lifetime, the world’s population has grown from 2.4 billion to over six billion people. While the rate of population growth has peaked the world’s population will reach at least 10 billion before it can stabilise.

This is obviously a fundamental challenge for how we can live in harmony with the requirements of sustainable development. We may have only a few decades to adjust our social, economic and production models and practices to the demands for sustainable development.

But population growth also makes it imperative for societies to live in harmony and close cooperation with each other. There are no longer any so-called national interests in today’s world which could be successfully promoted at the cost of others’ interests.

While some progress has been made in addressing local and regional environmental challenges, the biggest challenge of global warming remains unanswered. Implementation of the Kyoto treaty is only the first step and must be followed with negotiations on a much more ambitious Kyoto mark 2, with US and developing country participation.

The need for arms control and disarmament has not diminished after the end of the Cold War, rather the opposite. The non-proliferation regime concerning nuclear arms and delivery systems has to be strengthened, as also the existing multilateral conventions on biological and chemical weapons.

Efforts to contain the spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their delivery systems will lack credibility and support unless the Nuclear powers with the greatest arsenals of these weapons commit themselves to reducing their own qualitative and quantitative reliance on them.

Most people are killed by small arms in local or regional conflicts. Thus progress in conventional weapons disarmament processes, particularly limiting small arms and light weapons, is also needed.

The international trade in arms has to be regulated and run down. Consideration should be given to the idea of introducing an international tax on all arms sales.

For crisis management to be successful we have to recognize, that no potential crisis, be it military conflict, persistent human rights violations, failed states, environmental or humanitarian catastrophe, however small and limited it may seem, should be left unattended by the international community. Apart from the fact that turning a blind eye on these means condoning human suffering, it also runs the risk of letting them develop into major crises affecting global security.

We also need to recognize the fact that the use of military force, even if sometimes necessary and justified as it clearly was against the Taleban and Al Qaida, is never enough as the solution to crisis. Military force should not be deployed without a firm commitment to civilian crisis management, reconstruction and development efforts at the same time.

Above all: for conflict prevention and crisis management to be able to deliver sustainable security we have to have a firm commitment to multilateralism and to the United Nations. The EU’s and others’ international crisis management capabilities must be UN-compatible. The UN should also be reformed to be able to better deliver what is expected of it.

As noted in the beginning democracy is more firmly established in the world then ever, but the commitment of the democracies to support democracy, human rights and the rule of law consequently as the guiding principle in international relations still leaves a lot to be desired. American efforts to circumvent and dilute the treaty establishing the International Criminal Court, one of the most promising achievements in strengthening the rule of law in recent years, is an illustration of the problems involved. It is of vital importance that the EU pursues a common policy on this issue.

Getting globalisation and trade to deliver prosperity and welfare to those in most in need of it is the core economic challenge. While multilateral free trade is indisputably the best basis for increasing prosperity also in the poorest countries the trade system will have to be adjusted to better meet the needs of the developing countries.

The latest round of trade negotiations in the WTO got off to a promising start in Doha. There was general agreement that we must aim at a result which can rightly be called a development round, with the aim of strengthening the trade capacities of the developing countries. Some progress was also made in interpreting agreements on intellectual property rights to better meet the needs of poor countries.

But whether the Doha round as a whole will live up to the expectations, or indeed end in any agreement, is still very much open. The onus is on the developed countries to fulfil the still to be implemented previous commitments and open up their markets for the developing countries, in particular their protected agricultural markets.

In general trade rules have to be developed, in cooperation between the WTO and the ILO and other international organisations, to give more weight to legitimate concerns about the environment, core labour standards, human rights, national and minority cultures, consumer protection, balanced treatment of intellectual property rights, etc.

While the World Bank has shown an encouraging readiness to reform itself and its policies, reform of the international financial institutions, in particular the IMF, is still wanting. This means more transparency and democracy, burying the neoliberal Washington consensus and a return to the original Keynesian visions behind the founding of the Bretton Woods institutions.

This also means, i.e., action against tax-havens, more monitoring of, and where necessary controls on, capital movements including arrangements such as the currency transaction tax (Tobin-tax), other anti-speculative measures etc.

The world is still waiting for the oft-repeated commitment to increased development financing to be met, on the basis of the 0,7 % goal of GNP, using such instruments as the New Partnership for Africa’s Development to generate new funding.

Granted, it is not difficult to present lists such as this of all the good things that should be done to bring about a safer and better world, and even to get general agreement on them, at least in principle. The real question is how to bring these about.

We must ask can we get an European agreement on a global governance programme and how do we get it accepted and implemented globally, when the United States is pursuing a different policy? I have no better answer than the one we give when talking about the future of Russia. Yes, we must continue to try and engage all countries in multilateral cooperation, whatever the difficulties, without giving it the right of veto, and moving forward, where possible, on a more limited basis and work on those who do not immediately join to do so later, as with the Kyoto process or the International Criminal Court.

In contrast to many programmes for better global governance my ideas do not start out from institutional issues, which is the usual approach particularly when discussing the European Union. To make realistic progress we must accept the present institutions of EU, warts and all. At the end of the day this approach too will sooner or later call for institutional reforms, but they will meet less resistance if and when they are clearly understood as being necessary to move forward with concrete policies which otherwise are unattainable.

I am confident that Estonia as a future member of EU will for its part be a creative participant in this thinking. The Estonian input and its particular view is pertinent for many reasons. This country has through its harsh historical experience seen an antithesis of a just and reasonable order for distributing wealth, be it in global or in a national framework. Participating in the global economy is bringing fruit to Estonia while we speak. Through this participation Estonia has also been able better to tackle the challenges it inherited from the Soviet bankruptcy, like the pollution of environment. Direct investments bring new resources to the country. I am sure that Estonia will benefit from the participation in the ongoing global process.

Tiedote puheesta ruotsinsuomalaisten vähemmistöseminaarissa Botkyrkassa, Ruotsissa 31.8.2002

Suomen kielen opetus turvattava Ruotsissa

Ruotsin ja Suomen suhteet ovat tänään niin läheiset ja hyvät, että myös kielikysymyksen kaltaisista vaikeammista asioista on helppo keskustella, totesi ulkoministeri Erkki Tuomioja ruotsinsuomalaisten järjestämässä tilaisuudessa Ruotsin Botkyrkassa lauantaina. Maiden suhteet ja esimerkiksi kulttuurinen kanssakäyminen ovat pian entistäkin luontevammat, sillä Suomeen on tulossa kaksoiskansalaisuuden mahdollistava laki. Suurin ryhmä, jota se koskee, ovat juuri ruotsinsuomalaiset. Ruotsissa kaksoiskanslaisuus on jo sallittu.

Tuomioja kiitti Ruotsia siitä, että se on viime vuosina ollut hyvin aktiivinen kielikysymyksessä. Vähemmistökielistä on säädetty laki, mitä voi pitää historiallisena tapahtumana. Mutta myös huolenaiheita löytyy. Kielilain käytännön tulokset ovat vielä melko vaatimattomat. Ruotsin koululaitoksen tilastot kertovat, ettää suomenkielinen kouluopetus ruotsinkielisissää kouluissa lähestulkoon romahti sen jälkeen, kun vastuu kotikielen, joksi äidinkieltä aikaisemmin kutsuttiin, opetuksesta siirtyi vuonna 1991 kunnille. Myös suomen kielen opetuksen tilanne Ruotsin yliopistoissa on huolestuttava, Tuomioja huomautti.

Suomenkielisisillä vapaakouluilla on tärkeä tehtävä suomenkielisen opetuksen säilymisessä ja kehittymisessä. Suomi ei osallistu väittelyyn vapaakoulujen ja kunnallisten koulujen tilanteesta, Tuomioja sanoi. Suomen mielenkiinnon kohde on yksinomaan se, että ruotsinsuomalaisilla säilyy suomenkielinen opetus.

Ruotsissa on vastikään valmistunut kielipoliittinen mietintö, joka käsittelee ruotsin kielen ja muiden kielten asemaa. Mietintö osoittaa sen, että Ruotsissa on sekä tahtoa että kykyä kehittää vähemmistökielten asemaa, Tuomioja kannusti. Mietinnön ruotsin kielen toimintaohjelmasta voidaan hänen mukaansa ottaa oppia myös Suomessa.

Siviilitoimet ja oikeus tärkeitä terrorismin kitkemisessä, Suomen puheenvuoro YK:n yleiskokouksessa New Yorkissa, 14.9.2002

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Ladies and Gentlemen,

One year after the terrible attacks of September 11th we commemorate the innocent victims of these crimes. The best way we can honour their memory is by taking up and acting upon all the many-faceted challenges that terrorism and other threats pose for human security.

The world has changed irrevocably, although we cannot as yet say exactly how. We do not even know if our immediate reaction a year ago has been successfully put into use to making the world a better and safer place to live.

Afghanistan is no longer a base for global terrorism and joint efforts to uproot terrorist networks are making progress, but the threat of new attacks has not been eliminated.

At some stage we will also reach the limits of what can be done through military force and police action to stop terrorism. Even where the use of military force is clearly necessary and justified, as it is against Al Qaeda and the Taleban, it is never a sufficient answer. In Afghanistan we are now faced with the need to use a full-range of civilian crisis management capabilities as well as a long-term commitment to reconstruction and the development of a stable and drug-free economy and to root democracy and respect for human rights in a country, which has suffered from war and strife for decades. And Afghanistan is only one of the many places in today’s world where such a commitment from the international community is needed.

We must also come to grips with the conditions in which some people can regard even terrorism as justified. To say this does not imply any understanding for indiscriminate terrorism. Terrorism is a crime the perpetrators of which must be brought to justice irrespective of their motives.

It is vitally important to underline the need to strengthen the rule of law. When terrorists attack democracy, humanity and justice we should not nor cannot fight it with means that are in conflict with these basic values that the terrorists are attacking. It is time to review frankly the measures taken after September 11th and to rectify any excesses, which are not acceptable in any society, which is based on freedom and justice.

The creation of the International Criminal court has been in gestation for many years and can be regarded as one of the major achievements of the United Nations. It was not primarily created to deal with terrorism but the importance of the ICC has obviously grown, not diminished, after September 11th. The ICC is a long-standing goal of Finland and the European Union and we must not allow it to be undermined. The ICC must not become an issue of international dispute. We must safeguard it as an effective and independent judicial institution, so that we can convince those states that remain outside it to join us in making it truly universal.

Mr. President,

Terrorism is only one of many new threats to our security that are no longer linked to the threat of traditional war between nation states. In a world where our entire national defence policies as well as efforts to build collective security have been based on the need to wage or deter traditional war we need new and fresh thinking.

It is not only that military power has become partly impotent to deliver security. It is also evident that we cannot contain these threats through isolation or by acting unilaterally.

The United Nations and its Security Council have global responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Human lives are equally valuable all over the world. People in crisis situations need the protection and action of the international community. Individual and minor crises can turn into major threats to international peace and security. Member States must give the United Nations the wherewithal that is necessary for meaningful action in preventing crises, managing conflicts and building peace after conflicts. Action needs true commitment to multilateralism, which must exceed national interests and unilateralism. Multilateralism cannot be exercised à la carte whenever convenient. Global interests require global action.

An undeniable success story of the UN history is the organisation’s peacekeeping activities. Countless lives have been saved by the UN peacekeeping operations. But we know, too, that possibly even more lives have been lost if and when the UN has not been able or allowed to operate. The reason for inoperability has been the lack of political will or prevalence of national interests in the Security Council. I would like to reiterate that the Security Council is mandated to act on behalf of all Member States.

The concept of peacekeeping has evolved considerably during the existence of the UN from purely military operations into versatile, complex and continuous efforts that extend in some cases to nation building. A growing element in them is civilian crisis management. This should be further strengthened. Crisis management in its whole continuum should also be based on broad cooperation and compatibility. Present complex crises are often too demanding for any one organisation to deal with. All regional organisations should work closely together and with the United Nations in trying to solve crises all over the world. The European Union is in close cooperation with the United Nations and other organisations sharing the burden of maintaining international peace and security.

The Middle East remains the region where our concerns are most concentrated. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has, if anything, worsened. We support all efforts of the Quartet to get the peace process working again on the basis of the relevant UN resolutions. We support the Palestinian Administration’s effort at reform, which we have rightly demanded must be undertaken, and we expect a hundred percent effort from it to stop all terrorist activities. At the same time the Palestinians must be given the perspective of a clear commitment and a timetable for the creation of an independent and viable Palestinian state. The Palestinian Administration has to be given the resources and conditions where it can fulfil the requirements of what the international community demands of it, and what the Palestinian people have the right to expect.

Without progress in the Middle East peace process any military action in the region can have extremely dangerous and unforeseen consequences. It is imperative that efforts to get Iraq to abide unconditionally with all the resolutions of the Security Council remain the responsibility of the United Nations.

Mr. President,

When the United Nations was founded the world population was 2.4 billion. Now we are more than six billion, and the population growth, while slowly levelling off, will bring that number to at least 10 billion before stabilising.

This is a huge challenge for the mankind. We have only a few decades, at most, to bring our economic, production and societal models to conform to the exigencies of sustainable development. But this is not only an environmental challenge. Nations and peoples must learn to live and act together in an ever shrinking world where no one can manage on his own.

Mr. President,

In a rapidly globalising world the need for keen international cooperation becomes all the more evident. Decisions taken in one part of the world often have much more effect elsewhere. This can quickly lead to an ever-widening gap and fragmentation between countries and within countries. Comprehensive implementation of the Millennium Declaration will make an important impact on narrowing this gap. A positive example of the means we can employ to meet the goals of the Declaration is the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) that demonstrates the genuine desire of the African nations to take responsibility over their future. Finland attaches great importance to the implementation of NEPAD.

Globalisation has wealth-creating powers through international division of labour and more effective use of resources. It increases individual freedom and makes societies more open. But, on the other hand, it is incontestable that globalisation does not benefit everybody or every country in an equal manner. Globalisation can bring along risks and threats to the environment, core labour standards and trade unions and challenge national and minority cultures. It can also be socially damaging. On the whole, however, globalisation is not only something inevitable but also potentially positive. The United Nations has an important role in managing and harnessing globalisation to benefit all. We, the Member States, must fully participate in this work.

Thank you, Mr. President.